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Hilton: When Recruiting Talents We Focus On Soft Skills Like Teamwork

What experience and skills do hospitality organizations look for when hiring graduates? What elements should a good resume of young professionals contain?

We spoke with Leonie Trottmann (HR) from the Hilton Garden Inn in Davos, Switzerland.

What skills and qualities do you value most when hiring new employees?

When hiring graduates, we focus primarily on the personality. We look for charisma and self-confidence, a deep understanding of service orientation and the ability to work in a team.

But besides soft skills, abilities like foreign languages and IT knowledge are also very important to us.

What are the characteristics of a good resume for new graduates?

It is important for us to see in the resume that the graduate feels comfortable in different hotel areas and works well in a team.

Since our hotel is located in the mountain area and attracts active vacationers, we are also consciously looking for active employees who feel comfortable outdoors and can achieve satisfaction and a good work-life balance in their free time. Not only the guests but also the employees should feel comfortable with us.

How important is practical experience for career starters?

Besides theoretical knowledge, practical experience is very important. This strengthens the ability to grasp interrelationships in the company with logic and the self-confidence in dealing with people. When starting a career, it is an advantage to have some initial experience already.

What do you think makes graduates of the EHL Passugg particularly interesting for employment?

We especially appreciate the strong foundation in theory and practice of graduates of EHL Passugg. But it is also an advantage for us as an alpine hotel that they speak the languages, feel comfortable in the Alps and are familiar with the Grisons region.

What advice do you have for young talents interested in a career in hospitality?

It is important to gain a lot of practical experience and start lifelong learning.

"You should first get to know different companies, from 5-star hotels to small private hotels, gain valuable experience and feel confident in different hospitality areas before focusing on one area and building your career."

Hotel management school's provide exactly this, the insight into different companies and areas.