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Web Traffic Shows Early Signs of Positive Trend Across All Regions

The latest edition of our bi-weekly Pulse Report published earlier today, providing hoteliers from around the world with a snapshot on key market metrics for April 6-19.

Providing an in-depth look at On the Books, New Bookings, Cancellations and Web Traffic data, the latest edition of the Report included the latest demand signals for Latin America as well as APAC, EMEA and North America.

The Duetto Team added the Latin American data to the report following suggestions from subscribers. LATAM has proved a vital new component to tracking the impact of COVID-19 on the hotel industry around the world.

"The data shows us LATAM still has a lot of confidence for the latter part of the year. There's a lot of bookings, especially for the latter part of the summer," Lofton remarks.

Pulse Report data for LATAM On The Books vs. STLY by Stay Month as of April 19th showed that travelers with bookings in Latin America continue to show a higher degree in confidence in stay dates from September 2020 onwards.

Weekly New Bookings vs. STLY by Stay Month for Latin America also showed a slightly positive year over year trend for bookings in 2021, with new bookings for stays between May and July.

New Reservations Provide Future Outlook

Also new to the Pulse Report this time is the addition of New Reservations data. This was added because the Pulse Report team wanted to be looking as much to the future as possible.

In APAC, the data for new bookings shows increased pace for Q2 2021. In EMEA a similar pattern can be seen, with an uplift in new reservations for May-July 2021. For North America, new bookings for 2020 continue to fall behind previous year figures, but new bookings for 2021 are exceeding pace.