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Eclat Insights | A New Moment of Truth Gap

A new Moment of Truth Gap is the time it takes from having ordered something and receiving it. source

This gap can have branded moments.

  • For example, a customer buys shaving cream through an online retailer. In addition to the notice that the product has shipped, the company can now provide suggestions on how to best use the product. Maybe it’s the middle of winter and the company sends a link to a video on how to protect your skin against dry and windy weather.

Why is it relevant to Hospitality & Service Industries

  • There are many ways to look at this. How do you reinforce your brand while the guest waits for something they have ordered and are anticipating.

  • In many service interactions, or what is traditionally called Moments Of Truth, almost every other gap seems to have been calibrated, except this one.

Actionable Insights

  • Step 1 - Make a list of all such experiences. Examples could be guests booking a stay, booking a spa session, ordering a meal, confirming an event etc.

  • Step 2 - For each of these experiences, develop 3 things you can do after the guest books and before the guest consumes the service.

  • Step 3 - Create small interactions to make this gap add to the anticipation.

Real-World Example

Let's take the example of a family booking a holiday with a resort. The holiday is 2 weeks from the day they booked the holiday. What can you do for this new Moment Of Truth?

  • Idea 1 - You can send them an email a week prior to arrival that tells them a little bit more about what all the resort offers; activities, events, etc.

  • Idea 2 - You can ask them to choose a room based on the view. Send them 2 different pics of the views and they can choose one.

  • Idea 3 - You can remind them to put email auto-responders, coz they will be on vacation. The joy of the holiday starts way before the holiday.

We would love to hear what you have added to your processes from this. As always, if you need any assistance do reach out to p.bedi@eclathospitality.com