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Renaissance 2.0: Re-think, Re-build and Re-coup” on 3rd - 5th March 2022 at Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management (BCHIMCT)

“Renaissance 2.0: Re-think, Re-build and Re-coup” on 3rd - 5th March 2022 at BCHIMCT

The Department of Hotel Management, BCIHMCT will organize the 12th India International Hotel, Travel

and Tourism Research Conference” from 3rd to 5th March 2022

India International Hotel, Travel, and Tourism Research Conference series has become the most

prominent International Conference in the field of Hotel, Travel, and Tourism. BCIHMCT has been

conducting the conference since 2009 involving the Tourism & Hospitality Industry. The upcoming 12th

edition of the conference in 2022 will focus on the theme “Renaissance 2.0: Re-think, Re-build and Re-coup”.

The conference will include formal presentations, workshops, panel discussions, technical tracks, awards

and also serve as an avenue for discussion on issues related to the industry. Apart from the regular

presentations, the conference will include keynote addresses by eminent speakers and experts from both

industry and academia.

Global pandemic, Covid-19 has shattered the world economy. Tourism, Travel & Hospitality industries

were among those that were severely affected. It presents before us the challenges that require us to

revolutionize, rejuvenate and revitalise our methodology and approach whereby we can address, discuss

and devise future strategies to re-think, re-build and re-coup. The aim of 12th India International Hotel,

Travel & Tourism Research Conference is to bring together a unique and international mix of experts,

researchers and decision makers both from academia and industry to exchange their knowledge,

experience and research innovations from this perspective.

The virtual conference would be attended by prominent authorities from the industry and academia and

will be hosted by Prof. R.K Bhandari, President –IIHTTRC and Dr. Arvind Kumar Saraswati, Convener -

IIHTTRC. This conference promises to bring together various stakeholders on a single platform to discuss

future tourism trends, ideas, implications and methodologies, underlying the theoretical and practical

approaches for innovation, renaissance, re-thinking, re-building and re–couping for the Tourism and

Hospitality sector.

For further information, please visit the website- https://www.bcihmct.ac.in/