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Aspiring To Be a Successful Chef - Chef Kaviraj shares his opinions and experience



Living a passion, enduring its journey & assimilating all that goes together into a success story can become a book by itself! The word “Chef” has not only been a very catchy and attractive one since a while now but also become a befitting title to almost everyone who loves cooking or aspires to be a culinarian during the course of time. When I look back in time and evaluate my own interest towards cooking which started since the age of seven observing and admiring the best home chefs in the world, my mother, my grandmother and the associated ladies of the house and family it brings back fondest memories which can replicate no other experience.

I was always very fond of and liked my table to be well set and arranged during all my dining times at home & a sense of being particular of the water glass, the cutlery, crockery, things to go alongside from condiments to accompaniments too became a part of detailed note as I grew along the phase. My favourite dishes included butter chicken, fried rice, hakka noodles and fish- n- chips since childhood and I had a quest and inclination to see how  my food was being cooked in the kitchen, mom would make me sit on the side shelf and some of the admirations of her skills included the way she chopped onions with a speed and finesse! Which made me try it too…a best guide and mentor to have since a young age is a mother or an elderly figure from home who can help set the goals right, since we didn’t have social media, Instagram, Facebook and other platforms to jump onto and build castles.

Long hours of dedication, persistence to pursue ones dreams and ambitions, being able to meet up expectations of self and family, exceeding self-realisations and to be able to match the demand and supply curve, facing competitions with a positive mind and a never give up attitude have been some of my self-motivating factors all the way long. 

A few reality checkpoints to look at before getting into it:

1. K.Y.S: Know Your Self – a little self-introspection, why do I want to be a chef? what attracts me into it? Is it just social media or? how about talking out your mind to a successful chef or one who can guide the real way through his/ her experience.

2. F A Q: Factors Affecting Quality- there is a need to check on what the factors which can affect one from diverting attention and focus away from the goal towards becoming a culinary expert, a known name and one people can look up to.

3. B T S: Between The Scenes – what ultimately matters during the work phase are realistic factors like sustainability, being able to stand, work for long hours, to get conditioned with all kinds of human behaviours and to be able to take all that comes our way on the journey, there will be ups and downs, good and bad days, testing times, but what we required in this industry is a continued vision with humility and grace.

4. A Q A: Ask Questions Always – one of the important point during our learning stage is asking questions, clarifying doubts, being able to get the answers to the unclear technical and beyond. Somehow some people feel that becoming a chef doesn’t need theory, it’s a practical industry, but one needs to realise the importance of know-hows before getting onto a range and tossing over a wok!

5. G A M E: Get A Mentor Evaluator: we usually think that by joining a professional course and completing a degree and diploma etc will be all enough for a lifetime to carry on the journey. It needs constant mentorship and guidance along the way too, there is a need to connect with professionals, work under or associate with skilled technically sounds and known chefs in order to improvise and update ourselves.

6. O W A A: Overcome Worries And Anxieties: it is important for budding professionals to keep an open mind towards situations, people, circumstances & unexpected case studies which are a part and parcel of our profession, be it any department. My observations somewhere tell me that the young generation today is anxious about rising up soon, getting titles, promotions, taking up responsibilities when not ready yet etc which at times can be disappointing for some.

7. S I O P: Success Is Ongoing Persistence: In my opinion and experience success comes to those who work towards it and strive to be different in their thoughts, actions, and creations. Being a chef is much more than just cooking and to be able to do a monotonous job can be a little put off for a few ambitions in the lot! I always liked to work in various sections, departments, front and back both understanding the nuances and approach systems, etc which go into the efforts of making a guest satisfied, be open to exploring more.

On a Concluding Note: The prestigious title of a Chef and its visibility, recognition, and value-added perks have grown in recent times as compared to a few decades back, the entire thought of being able to get into a kitchen, cooking up a storm, impressing loved ones and guests with something exciting, interesting & innovative has crossed all boundaries in modern times. we need to motivate, counsel, advice and encourage young minds to get more focussed before choosing this profession and with a continued effort of the community and industry on the whole we can create and look forward to a lot of competitive talent which can make the Indian food and hospitality industry reach up and stay on top of the charts on a global platform.

Celebrity Master Chef. Dr. Kaviraj Khialani.

Food & Hospitality Consultant.

Author- Academician- Advisor for Culinary and Hospitality Industry & Education Sector.