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IPOSH- The What , Why and How by Shivani Arora (Asst Professor in Tourism & Hospitality, Certified POSH Trainer)

Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace and creating a respectful, inclusive culture are among the important issues facing the hotel industry today. Hotels are unique environments and it can be a challenge to ensure a safe, harassment-free workplace.

Unchecked inappropriate behavior by employees, supervisors, vendors, or visitors can result in sexual harassment incidents and expensive lawsuits that can negatively impact recruiting and retention, employee morale, loyalty programs, brand reputation, and financial performance.

Implementing a sexual harassment training program specifically designed for the hotel industry is a crucial first step in teaching staff members how to identify, report, and prevent harassment as part of a comprehensive strategy to stop workplace harassment. It also helps to maintain a welcoming and safe environment for all guests and employees.

What is POSH Training?

Understanding the Act- Workers need to understand the basic definition of harassment. Employees typically believe that touching another person constitutes sexual harassment. While this behavior does qualify as sexual harassment, it’s not the only one. Social Culture vs Organizational Culture- Values are established by organizations, but social culture has an impact on corporate culture that cannot be overlooked. It has been noted that workers bring their unconscious social learning to work. There are instances when a particular behavior is appropriate in social settings but inappropriate in the workplace.

What are the benefits of POSH Training in Hospitality Industry?

Legal Compliance- A safe working environment and legal protection from liability are ensured by hotels that comply with numerous jurisdictions’ laws and regulations requiring them to provide training on sexual harassment prevention.

Employee Well being- Victims of sexual harassment may experience serious psychological, emotional, and physical consequences. Hotels show their dedication to their workers’ health and well-being by offering preventive training, which promotes an environment of mutual respect and support.

Maintaining a positive workplace culture- A hotel that prioritizes the prevention of sexual harassment promotes a positive workplace culture. This can lead to increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty, contributing to a healthier work environment.

Guest Satisfaction and safety- Reputation and guest experiences are closely related in hotels. Hotels make their guests feel safer and more at ease by addressing and preventing sexual harassment. This may have a favorable effect on patron loyalty and satisfaction.

Risk Mitigation- Incidents of sexual harassment may lead to fines, legal action, and reputational harm to the hotel. Prevention training assists in reducing these risks by teaching staff members on proper behavior and by laying out clear policies, procedures, and expectations.

Bystander Intervention- Training employees on bystander intervention empowers them to play an active role in preventing sexual harassment. Encouraging a culture of looking out for one another can contribute to a safer overall environment.

Ethical and Social Responsibility- Hotels have an ethical duty to provide preventive training in addition to their legal obligations. Encouraging a harassment-free workplace is in line with the larger social expectation that businesses should make a positive contribution to society.

Attraction and Retention of talent- When selecting or deciding to remain with an employer, job seekers and employees are increasingly taking workplace culture and policies into account. The hotel’s dedication to ending sexual harassment makes it a more appealing place to work, attracting and keeping top talent.

Best Practices- Global standards and best practices, including anti-harassment measures, have been established by numerous international hotel chains and hospitality organizations; hotels that consistently implement prevention training are in line with these industry-wide expectations.

How can employees recieve POSH Training-

An organization can provide its staff with a range of training alternatives. There are several options for POSH training, such as seminars on training modules, online classroom instruction, and traditional classroom instruction. The kind of training to use will depend on the nature of the organization.

Choose a solution that offers high-quality courses for corporate training. Instructor-led virtual training courses are the best, but employees should have the right to access them from any location, on any device. Online training makes it simple and easy to deliver training as needed, depending on your schedule.

In the workplace, sexual harassment has become the norm. While harassment can affect both men and women, women are more at risk. Through POSH training, managers and staff can collaborate to make the workplace a safer place for everyone. This training encourages managers and staff to abide by the law. Employees that participate in posh harassment awareness training will learn what constitutes harassment, how to spot it, and how to prevent it. The legal and moral ramifications of harassment are also covered in the training, as well as the obligation of both employers and employees to report and stop it.

Author: Shivani Arora
