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Exclusive Intevriew | Ajay Dwivedi, Food & Beverage Manager The Leela Goa, Mobor, Cavelossim, Go

Editor: Tell us about your journey. How did it all start?

It was not a planned decision it just happened by chance. I had heard about Iconic Hotels which enticed me. I took the opportunity and had started my journey with IHM Srinagar. I am glad that I had chosen this amazing journey


Editor: What do you think it takes to succeed in this industry?

There is no shortcut to success. You need to be smart creative and a quick learner. In comparison to being good in everything try to be the best in one thing, you are passionate about. If you have beverage as passion, try to learn new trends/ mixology/molecular/. Enhance your knowledge and skill then there will be no stop to your success


Editor: What are the attributes you look for while selecting or hiring?  If someone wants to work with you, what should they do?

How well-updated are you with new trends and skillsets? How are you updating your knowledge? Everyone wants a TEAM with smart people. If you want to work with us spend time enhancing your skills. Prove that you will be able to bring something new to our table. Your positive attitude will find a way for you in our TEAM.


Editor: What advice would you give to a young, aspiring hotelier for their internship?

This is the most important time of your entire study curriculum. Make the most of it. Observe and observe, ask questions. Make regular notes this practical experience will be the crux of your professional journey.

Don’t waste it make most of it. Nowadays the world is moving at a rapid speed. Guests are well-traveled and looking forward to new trends and new products. So be on top of it and keep on updating yourselves


Editor: What are some of the trends you see impacting the hospitality industry?

Quality of Manpower. After such a great mushrooming of Hospitality colleges, students are not learning what they are supposed to know which is affecting overall Industry

Sustainability: Re-use, recycling is the need of the hour. The scarcity of natural resources is driving Eco-friendly practices, as properties focus on renewable energy resources and water scarcity. Many hotels are installing solar panels and updating systems so that air conditioners and lights automatically switch off when guests leave their rooms.


Editor: Two things you would like to change in the industry.

I wish GST can be aligned with other competitive Asian countries

I will like all industries to follow green practices to bring carbon footprint down. The ECOsystem is everyone’s responsibility


Editor: What is your favorite interview question and why?

“Where do you see yourself five years from now?”

It gives us clarity about the young mind. How well is he/ she is planned about him/herself? How confident about him/herself? How clearly, he/she has created a career path for himself, and how he wishes to attain the same?


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