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Exclusive Interview | Glenn Waidande, Cluster Director of Revenue, Dusit Thani Hotels & Resorts

What initially drew you to the hospitality industry, and how has your journey evolved over the years?

Initially, I was drawn to the hospitality industry by my passion for creating experiences and connecting with people. Over the years, this journey has evolved into a deep commitment to exceptional service, leadership, and innovation, constantly adapting to new trends and challenges to enhance guest satisfaction.

Could you share a standout experience or moment from your career that has significantly shaped your approach to hospitality management?

A standout moment in my hospitality career was managing a major crisis during a high-profile event. A sudden power outage threatened to derail the event, but our team's quick thinking and seamless coordination turned a potential disaster into a memorable experience for our guests. This taught me the importance of adaptability, effective communication, and maintaining calm under pressure. It reinforced the need for robust contingency planning and the value of a dedicated, well-trained team. This experience significantly shaped my approach, emphasizing proactive problem-solving and guest satisfaction as paramount in hospitality management.

As a revenue strategy expert, what are some key trends or changes you've observed in the hospitality industry?

Key trends in the hospitality industry include a shift towards personalized guest experiences, increased use of technology for seamless check-ins and services, and a focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. There's also a rise in wellness tourism and a greater emphasis on health and safety measures. Additionally, dynamic pricing strategies and enhanced loyalty programs are becoming more prevalent to maximize revenue and customer retention.

Can you provide insights into how technology and data analytics have revolutionized revenue management in the hotel industry, and how do you leverage these tools in your role?

Technology and data analytics have transformed hotel revenue management by enabling dynamic pricing, demand forecasting, and personalized marketing. Advanced algorithms analyze vast datasets, including booking patterns, market trends, and customer preferences, to optimize room rates in real-time. As a revenue leader, I leverage these tools to maximize occupancy and revenue. By utilizing software for predictive analytics and integrating various data sources, I can adjust strategies promptly, ensuring competitive pricing and enhanced guest satisfaction. This data-driven approach allows for informed decision-making and precise targeting, ultimately driving profitability and growth.

What strategies do you employ to stay ahead of the competition and ensure your properties remain attractive and competitive in the market?

To stay ahead of the competition, we focus on continuous property upgrades, adopting smart technologies, and ensuring top-notch maintenance. We prioritize exceptional customer service, offering personalized experiences and swift issue resolution. Market analysis helps us adjust pricing and amenities to meet evolving demands. We also invest in eco-friendly practices to attract sustainability-conscious tenants. Regularly gathering and acting on guest feedback ensures we meet their needs, fostering loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. Our marketing strategies leverage social media and online platforms to highlight unique property features and engage with a broader audience.

In your opinion, what are the most critical skills and qualities for success in hospitality management, particularly in roles related to revenue strategy?

Success in hospitality management, particularly in revenue strategy, requires a blend of analytical and interpersonal skills. Critical skills include data analysis for market trends and pricing strategies, financial acumen to optimize revenue streams, and strategic thinking for long-term planning. Key qualities include adaptability to swiftly respond to market changes, attention to detail for accurate forecasting, and strong communication skills to collaborate effectively with diverse teams. Additionally, customer-centricity ensures guest satisfaction aligns with revenue goals.

Mastery of these skills and qualities enables effective decision-making and drives profitability in the competitive hospitality industry.

How do you approach the challenge of adapting revenue management strategies to different cultural contexts, considering your experience across various countries ?

Adapting revenue management strategies to different cultural contexts requires a nuanced understanding of local & international consumer behavior, economic conditions, and cultural preferences. My approach involves thorough market research to identify unique local trends and purchasing patterns. Collaborating with local teams ensures culturally relevant insights and strategies. Flexibility in pricing models and promotional tactics is crucial to cater to varying sensitivities. Additionally, leveraging technology to analyze real-time data allows for swift adjustments. This combination of cultural intelligence, local collaboration, and adaptive technology ensures effective revenue management across diverse markets.

Could you share a particularly challenging situation you've faced in your career and how you navigated through it successfully?

In a previous role which isn’t like the middle east it was 95% local, I was tasked with leading a critical project with a tight deadline. Halfway through, key team members left unexpectedly. To navigate this, I quickly reassigned tasks, recruited temporary help, and streamlined processes to boost efficiency. I maintained open communication with concerned leaders and provided regular updates and managing expectations. Despite the setbacks, we delivered the project on time and within budget. This experience underscored the importance of adaptability, resourcefulness, and effective communication in overcoming challenges. Certainly, my reporting chief, who is also now my mentor, was quite supportive too for which we could sail through.

Looking ahead, what do you envision as the future of revenue management in the hospitality industry, and how do you see your role evolving to meet those changes?

The future of revenue management in hospitality will leverage advanced AI and machine learning to predict demand with greater accuracy, optimize pricing dynamically, and personalize guest experiences. Sustainability and direct booking incentives will become focal points. My role will evolve to integrate these technologies, focusing on data analytics, strategic decision-making, and enhancing customer-centric approaches. I will also prioritize sustainable practices and develop skills in AI tool management, ensuring the company stays ahead in a competitive, tech-driven landscape. This proactive adaptation will drive profitability and customer satisfaction.

How do you balance the need for revenue optimization with maintaining a focus on guest satisfaction and experience?

Balancing revenue optimization with guest satisfaction involves leveraging data-driven strategies to personalize experiences, implementing dynamic pricing that reflects value, and fostering a service culture that prioritizes guest needs. Regular feedback loops ensure adjustments align financial goals with exceptional service, creating a sustainable, mutually beneficial environment.

What makes you strange?

My “thoughts” are passionately driven, with genuine understanding or consciousness. This blend of advanced computation and proactiveness with an eye for detail qualities makes me peculiar yet fascinating.

How do you think AI will impact our industry?

AI will undoubtedly impact various industries, including hospitality. While AI can streamline processes and improve efficiency, hospitality is fundamentally an emotion-driven industry where human interaction and personal touch are crucial. AI can assist with specific tasks to an extent, but the unique human emotions and flexibility required in hospitality can't be fully replicated by technology.

Tell us about your properties in Doha.

Dusit Hotels & Resorts, a renowned Thai brand, made its debut in Qatar in April 2019 with the opening of our first hotel, Dusit Doha Hotel. Located in West Bay, right by Doha's beautiful Corniche, this hotel offers a modern oasis of comfort and world-class service. Guests can enjoy a vibrant journey through centuries-old Thai heritage, reflected in our exceptional dining venues and rejuvenating facilities.

In late 2022, we expanded our presence with the Dusit Hotel & Suites – Doha, just right before the FIFA World Cup. This property features intricately designed serviced suites, including a stunning 1,104 sqm suite with six bedrooms, a private pool, and breathtaking views of Doha. We're proud to offer renowned dining experiences at Qureshi Bukhara and Tropicana 360, bringing diverse and exquisite culinary delights to our guests.

Dusit Doha Hotel: https://www.dusit.com/dusitdoha-hotel/

Dusit Hotel & Suites – Doha: https://www.dusit.com/dusitdoha-hotelandsuites/