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In Conversation With Rudra Diggi, Owner, Hotel Diggi Palace

What do you feel are some positives and negatives of running / managing / operating a stand alone property?

We encounter many pros and cons of running or managing a standalone property. One of the most important advantages in such a regard is that one has the authority to conceptualize, create and mould the property or business as per their own standards of expectations and service. But simultaneously, this may prove to be an equally disadvantageous quotient. This is because, in a standalone property, there is no higher management or corporate office involved.

The same pertains that there are no preconceived or tried and tested notions of regulations. The decisions in such a regard are based on your individual comprehension of the same. Additionally, the data mining in such a case is done individually by the owners. Unlike their alternative wherein there is a corporate office to gather the relevant data and see what works and what not.

Congratulations on all the accolades the property has achieved. What do you think brings such love from guests?

One of the major reasons that Hotel Diggi Palace receives so much love from the guests is that the palace was never built with the intention of being commercialized for hospitality or as a hotel per say, rather as a home and an extension of the Diggi family to render their hospitality to the others. Thereafter, when the guest arrives at Diggi Palace, they are met with a more sombre, homely, and personalized experience, instead of a commercial or a standardized one. At Hotel Diggi Palace, each member of the team strives to not only curate an unforgettable and personalized experience for the guests but also create a bond of familiarity with them that would elevate their accommodation experience.

What does it take to be an event leader?  If you can share some secret sauce or a little about the journey in creating these superlative services.  

When it comes to becoming an event leader, the first and foremost thing that one needs to remember and understand at any given point is that one cannot truly be a pioneer or leader in this regard, given the transient and ever-changing nature of the industry. When we talk about events, we essentially perceive weddings, national and international events, or similar.

Diggi Palace, for instance, has never been a pioneer in any of the events. However, the hotel has come to be renowned for hosting some of the most stunning weddings and exponential events of national and international stature. Instead of being the leader, Hotel Diggi Palace has always entered the industry-verse as an underdog and thereafter strived to rise. Believing in their own ability and the fact that the competition exists in a vertical mode is essential for redefining the brand.

What do you look for when you hire?  Do you have any favourite interview questions or processes?

The first and foremost thing that I consciously look for while hiring is the experiential background of the individual. I personally believe in cross hiring much more than recruiting from the same industry. One major reason behind that is that unlearning is an essential aspect of learning and management. Cross hiring in that case enables and essentializes the process of unlearning the experiences of one’s own industry to be able to learn the ropes of the hotel industry. This also enables the individual to bring along a fresh perspective and input to the business.

Rather than having a certain favored question, I believe in going through the resume of the individual and asking him something from the bottom of the same. Thus, instead of simply asking about the higher studies of the interviewee, I would rather prefer to ask about their high school and their vision in terms of consequent studies, whether they had been able to achieve the same. This is because clarity of vision is an essential attribute for me when it comes to hiring.

What does the future look like?  For the industry, the property?  Expansion plans?  What can we expect from Diggi Palace in the near future?

It is essential to understand that the hospitality industry is standing at the threshold of a huge change at this moment. Given the travel restrictions of the previous years, people are raving to travel and rediscover destinations. In such a regard, it is essential that the hotels are able to revamp and review their services beforehand. With international travel still being limited, this is an opportunity for the industry as a whole to become self-reliant or indulge in the travel sector. It is essential that the service industry is able to review itself to better suit the current expectations.

As a heritage property, Hotel Diggi Palace is also looking to revise and reintroduce its hospitality standards and framework to invite more of the regional and national guests. We are currently renovating our rooms to upgrade the stay experiences for our guests. At the same time, we are also looking to expand our food and beverage segment with new restaurant being launched soon catering to international cuisines. It is still a work in progress for the hotel.