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Interview Questions I Like To Ask - Prabir Kumar Patra, BTEC Hospitality Teacher & Assessor Sh. Maaungoodhoo School Ministry of Education, Maldives

1. Introduce Yourself ? (This is a very common Interview Question irrespective of job roles )

2.How did you know about this job role ? ( This is an important question to know the source of information of the job advt. found by the Applicant . )

3.What do you know about us (Company) ? -This Question is important for the Recruiter to know the level of interest of candidates

4.Why should we hire you over other candidates ? ( In order to check how an applicant present their profiles/How an Applicant Creates positive impression ) .

5.Why do you want to change your Present job ? ( To check the applicant's interest to switch a job ) .

6.Where do you see yourself in next 3-5 years ? ( Very Common Question in Job Interview )

7.How can you help us to grow ? ( Applicant's view on Company's Growth and Development )

8..Which Department do you like and why ? ( For Interns )

9.What are the duties and Responsibilities of an Intern ?

10.What are the Qualities required to work in Hospitality Industry ?

11. What do you know about the job roles of an Entry level Staff in a Hotel/Resort ?

12.How much do you expect ? ( This Question is to check the Applicant's expectation on Salary )

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