Here is the SOP for hotels for passengers arriving via special flights

A large number of Indians stranded abroad are set to arrive in India with effect from May 7. This will need an equally large number of hotels and lodges to house these people.

As a result, the ministry of health & family welfare has issued guidelines for facilities such as hotels, service apartments, lodges which will serve as isolation and quarantine facilities for the arriving Indians.

As per the guidelines, the state or union territory government which wants to use the hotels, lodges, service apartments in its territory for such facilities has to ensure the following:

1. The quarantine and isolation facility will not co-exist and the facility owner will have a choice to dedicate the facility for either of the two.

2. These facilities will offer single room on a paid basis to contacts/cases with attached washrooms.

3. The tariff for the accommodation and services shall be fixed by the facility in consultation with the state government and widely publicised.

4. The facility dedicated for isolation will follow the norms established for COVID Care Centre as available at -

5. The cases shall only be kept in an isolation facility if the cases are clinically assessed to be pre-symptomatic or very mild.

6. Such facility that opts for isolation will have separate earmarked areas for keeping suspect cases and confirmed cases and will ensure no intermingling of these two categories.

7. The contact/patient opting for such quarantine/isolation facility will give an undertaking as is available at -

The owner of such hotels or lodges which will serve as a quarantine/isolation facility is required to make additional arrangements such as:

a. They shall ensure in-house availability of a trained doctor and a nurse on a 24X7 basis.

b. The doctor will monitor the contacts/cases in quarantine/isolation facilities once a day on basic parameters of temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse oxymetry and keep a record of the same.

c. The doctor engaged by the facility will inform the District Surveillance Officer regarding the list of cases/contacts admitted to such facility and their health status.

d. The facility should network with an approved laboratory for testing samples as per ICMR guidelines.

e. The quarantined/isolated persons should not be allowed to meet visitors. They can talk on the phone.

f. The facility will provide Wi-Fi facility and ensure that the arriving passenger downloads the Aarogya Setu App on mobile and it should remain active at all

times through Bluetooth and location service.

g. The facility should train its staff to call 108 free Ambulance service or any other Ambulance as per requirement.

h. The linens, towels and rooms should be disinfected and the facility will follow infection prevention control practices as per guidelines available at

i. The in-house catering should only provide room services for freshly cooked food duly following physical distancing and environmental sanitation.

9. The facility owner will give the undertaking to follow the above SOP and to have adequate manpower including the above-mentioned health workers as per the prescribed protocol.

10. The facility should ensure that the clear instructions for the contacts/cases are provided at the time of check-in as per MoHFW guidelines available at and

11. The discharge of the contacts/cases from the facility will be in accordance with the discharge policy.

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