Dr. Kaviraj Khialani was invited as Guest of Honor- Industry Expert at ICOHOST 2021- International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism- GNA University, Punjab.

Looking at the welcome back and some of the safe to move trends in the Hospitality and Tourism business and the way forward approach to create a synchronised formulae towards achieving success and stability one of the recent initiatives taken include the ICO-HOST 2021, international conference held on 27th November 2021 at the GNA University campus. Among many noted dignitaries and well known academicians from around the world the event also saw a good number of students from hospitality and tourism management course who chose to be a part of the full day highly informative and valuable seminar.

The use of technology in hospitality industry and its pros- cons along with its functional aspects, guest satisfaction grid rate, adaptability and accessibility aspects etc were a few of the many points spoken and discussed during the sessions. Dr. Kaviraj Khialani highlighted the need of the hour of being mentally and physically strong to start with and to work on the sync with technology which surely can be beneficial for hospitality professionals but not to overlook the importance and merits of basic know how and foundation knowledge of our technical subjects and departments. His deliberation included the thought process to be clear, the mind set to be positive and the balance factor which makes it easy for us to accept, adapt and acknowledge the use of technology in a highly effective manner which can help us see happy guests coming back to our hotels and restaurants more often.

“It is important to have the correct combination of clarity of mind with a synchronised approach towards building a better professional delivery and professional approach on a day to day basis in order to offer quality service with the highest possible standards of safety and well- being to our valued and esteemed guests who will always keep in mind the experience they went through while visiting or during the course of their stay at our hotels” – Chef Kaviraj also concluded by saying that the students looking forward to graduating in the near future have a very good scope and varied openings to choose from in various verticals in the hospitality industry and with an open mind and zeal to perform it would be a great professional journey for all. The grand event saw its end with a special felicitation ceremony in which Chef Kaviraj was presented and awarded a memento and certificate of appreciation by the vice- chancellor, dean and head of department at GNA University.

Overall the one-day international conference was a great success and it shared a lot of important facts and created awareness among the attendees as well on various aspects attached to the world of hospitality.


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