41 hotels managed by Concept Hospitality accorded with TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award 2021


Out of these 41 hotels, 36 are managed under the Fern brand, one Zinc by The Fern, 3 under Beacon Hotels and one independently branded hotel

As many as 41 hotels & resorts managed by Concept Hospitality Pvt Ltd have won the TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award 2021. Out of these 41 hotels, 36 are managed under the Fern brand, one Zinc by The Fern, 3 under Beacon Hotels and one independently branded hotel.

Congratulating all the team members at the winning hotels, Noshir A Marfatia, Senior Vice President - Sales & Marketing said, "It is a matter of great pride for us that so many of the hotels patronized by our guests have been so well appreciated by travelers across the country."

We have been continuously striving for excellence and this recognition is a testimonial to the fact that we are on the right track, Noshir added. He exhorted all his General Managers to excel and ensure that more of their hotels achieve the award next year.

TripAdvisor uses a proprietary algorithm to determine the Travelers’ Choice honourees. It takes into account the quality, quantity and recency of reviews and opinions submitted by travelers on TripAdvisor over a 12-month period, as well as a business’s tenure and ranking on the Popularity Index on the site.
