A Budget Opportunity To Invest In Your Brand


Travel is currently a strange beast. Each destination has its own restrictions and regulations. Italy, for example, is proposing people wear masks even whilst outdoors where Sweden seems to be back to a level of normality.

Requirements can even vary from town to town and street to street. In the UK, where local lockdowns alter what is permitted from one week to the next it can be hard to know how to respond. In some areas, total closure has been the only option and this has been traumatic for many well-known brands. Premier Inn owner Whitbread only recently announced it was to cut 6,000 jobs as a result of a dip in demand.

Despite the emergence of a second wave of COVID, travel is still possible and the industry is continuing to open up overall- but it must do so in a way that recognises the altered landscape and work to accommodate not only regulatory concerns, but new customer needs.

Budget travel is in a particularly strong position to capitalise on a slowly emerging sector. They are expected to see growing traffic numbers as constantly fluctuating local lockdown measures look set to inspire more spontaneous but local trips. A quick weekend break has much less at stake than a two-week long-haul holiday that could mean a long quarantine after.



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Hospitality industry calls for two-metre social distancing rule to be halved

Key Take Away

Actioning advice from the World Health Organisation to use one meter for social distancing from July would enable many more pubs to viably reopen and serve their communities again.

UK Hospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls told BBC Radio 4'sToday program: "At two meters you are receiving 30 percent of your normal revenues, at one meter it gets up to 70 percent - so it is the difference between success and failure for many of those businesses.

The reopening of venues is expected to begin from July 4 in England and the Government is expected to publish its guidelines

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