Exclusive Interview | Amandeep Kaur, General Manager – WelcomHotel by ITC Hotels, Bengaluru

Sound knowledge, market intelligence, and aligning to demand are critical to success in any industry, more so in hotels. Another very important aspect that is paramount here is Genuine Service Orientation and a Positive Attitude.
— Amandeep Kaur

Editor: Tell us about your journey. How did it all start? 

I started my journey in the service industry back in the year 2000 when I joined IHM (Institute of Hotel Management) in Chandigarh. Post my graduation, there has been no looking back. I joined ITC Hotels immediately after I got into the Management training program. My first posting was with ITC Grand Central in Mumbai and from there I covered the lengths and breadths of the country with opportunities given by ITC Hotels to me. Last year, I joined ITC Gardenia as the Resident Manager and was steering the operations for the hotel. I was recently moved to WelcomHotel by ITC Hotels, Bengaluru as General Manager. It has been an exciting and enriching learning experience throughout my journey with ITC Hotels, where I have learned immensely as a hotelier from various life experiences, not only professionally but personally as well

Editor: What do you think it takes to succeed in this industry? 

The key is definitely passion & the ability to gauge, connect and manage human emotions and behaviors. While the hotel in itself is a product, the services however are delivered by human beings, experienced by human beings. Experiences and services are what drives the business and are the key to success with compassion, passion, and good human resource management. 

Sound knowledge, market intelligence, and aligning to demand are critical to success in any industry, more so in hotels. Another very important aspect that is paramount here is Genuine Service Orientation and a Positive Attitude.

Editor: What are the attributes you look for while selecting or hiring?  If someone wants to work with you, what should they do? 

At WelcomHotel by ITC Hotels, we make sure that guests make the most of every visit, ensuring each experience (stay/dining/spa) is curated in such a way that it is made comfortable and memorable. We are all about creating Enriching Experiences, and to deliver superlative experiences to the guests, it is critical to building a team that has the RIGHT Attitude, orientation towards service, strong work ethics, integrity, and discipline. Passion to create guest delight at every moment of truth, also someone who has the potential to be groomed to uphold the brand image and values are some key attributes that we at ITC Hotels evaluate during the selection process. We strongly believe that if the brand is a promise we make to our guests, then associates are the keepers of that promise. For achieving the brand promise, it is important to look for attributes that resonate with the core values of our Brand.

Editor: What according to you can trainees do while they are training at hotels to make it a win-win for them & the hotel/unit? 

I believe training especially during internship is a two-way learning process. These young millennials bring so much more to the table with their current orientation and exposure to the digital world. Education and open-mindedness are some things that can actually assist hotels to think creatively. In turn, hotels give them the platform to experience and explore the hospitality world on the shop floor where there is a lot of handworks, toil, and dedication required to create magical experiences for the guests. ITC Hotels take pride in grooming trainees, empowering them to learn and grow in the industry upholding high integrity and ethical values. Again, going back to attitude for both hotel and trainees, if collaborated in the right spirit, it is beneficial and a great journey to travel together.

Editor: What are some of the trends you see impacting the hospitality industry? 

With the changed scenario post the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry has gone through an immense changeover. Now guests are extremely cautious while traveling, lodging, or even dining in due to health and safety concerns. ITC Hotels were the first to roll out the WeAssure program- our commitment to health, hygiene, and safety, in tandem with the current scenario. Contactless service designs across areas weaved with the warmth of hospitality are the basic expectation of the guests in the era of the New Normal. Under the WeAssure initiative, we have redesigned our service designs to enable contact light services, re-engineered infrastructure ensuring a safe environment for our associates and guests. A few initiatives worths mention here is glass welcome separators between associate and guest, indicators across areas to ensure Covid-19 appropriate Behavior to avoid any crowding, and appropriate PPEs as part of uniforms for our employees while they are serving our guests.
A lot of these service designs are backed by technology and machinery. Like UV sanitization machines, thermal scanners, contactless check-in, check-outs through tabs, sanitized and wrapped cutlery crockery, contactless elevator and floor access through robotics arms, etc. ITC Hotels ‘WeAssure’ program recently achieved the distinctive milestone of being the First Hotel chain in the world to receive the PLATINUM level certification under DNV’s My Care Infection risk management program. Assurance of utmost safety and hygiene is of paramount priority for guests to choose the hotel.

ITC Hotels were quick enough to launch its own Takeaway Vertical to cater to guests at the comfort of their homes with safe and hygienic dining experiences. It is a given that lots of our guests are now choosing takeaway food over dine-in. 

Hotels are also evolving during these times where a lot of Robotic intervention is being used for hotel operations, again keeping safety in mind. Some of the trends are robotic concierge, robotics elevator arms, etc. At ITC Hotels, we have taken all necessary steps to mitigate chances of infection and these trends will continue to evolve to further our efforts to cope up with current guest expectations.

Editor: Tech is now an enabler for great hospitality. Can you share with us some of the techs that go into creating your guest experience?  

To name a few- contact-less check-in check-out experiences enabled by digital tabs, robotic concierge, contactless floor access through elevators (robotics elevator arms), thermal scanning and screening at the entrance of the hotel, UV machines for luggage sanitization, UV lights to check hygiene standards of the hotel.

Editor: Two things you would like to change in the industry. 

The industry is really wonderful, however, there are certain myths attached to the industry which I would like to change. People think that there is no sanctity of a work-life balance in a hotelier’s life, which I believe is person-specific and not dependent on the industry one is working in. It is also believed that there is a lot of handwork in hospitality which again I believe doesn't hold true only for our industry but for all. 

Editor: What can we expect in the coming year?

ITC Hotels along with other industry peers have come out stronger, better prepared, and have strategies in place to confront any challenges and counter any unwarranted situations. The revival journey of WelcomHotel by ITC Hotels is evolving continuously. With the promise of world-class safety, hygiene, and efficient service delivery, the coming year looks promising and more enriching.