Exclusive Interview | Ms Gunjita Singhal, Co-Founder & CMO - Cafe & Club Roadies | Roadies Gyms

Our venue becomes more than just a place to visit, it becomes a vibrant community hub where everyone feels valued and part of something special.
— Gunjita Singhal
Exclusive Interview | Ms Gunjita Singhal, Co-Founder & CMO - Cafe & Club Roadies | Roadies Gyms

Can you share with us the inspiration behind the transformation of Cafe Roadies and the vision you have for its future?

Cafe Roadies stands as a testament to innovation and a fusion of hospitality and nightlife unlike any other. Inspired by a dynamic blend of experiences, it has carved its niche in the industry with unparalleled uniqueness.

Looking forward, Cafe Roadies is poised to evolve into a hub of exploration, offering a plethora of high-energy experiences while fostering a sense of community and togetherness. Our strategic vision entails expanding the club’s footprint and introducing an exciting array of menu offerings, where tapas become a delightful staple for the discerning modern youth.

In a world where change is constant, the competitive landscape demands continuous innovation to stay ahead and foster growth. Our commitment to enhancing guest experiences ensures that each visit to Cafe Roadies is not just memorable but leaves an indelible mark, beckoning guests to return time and again.

With Cafe Roadies, the journey transcends mere hospitality – it is a celebration of evolution, experience, and the spirit of togetherness. Join us as we redefine the standards of excellence in the industry and embark on an exhilarating journey into the future.

Transitioning from corporate marketing to nightlife entrepreneurship is quite a journey. Could you tell us about some key learnings or challenges you’ve faced along the way?

Embarking on a thrilling transition from the meticulous and predictable corporate marketing environment to the vibrant and ever-changing world of nightlife entrepreneurship, we are on a journey deeply rooted in a desire to pioneer new frontiers and bring fresh, innovative experiences to life. This shift isn’t merely a change in business models or operational environments, it is a leap into a world where every night promises new adventures and the opportunity to create unforgettable memories for our patrons. The allure of live events, with their spontaneous energy and the collective joy they evoke, plays a central role in what makes this venture so rewarding. The excitement that comes from being part of a lively crowd, the anticipation of witnessing something extraordinary, and the sheer pleasure of being immersed in the moment draw people into the night, time and again.

Our journey to success in this dynamic arena has been underpinned by our agility in responding to the evolving preferences of our customers and a steadfast dedication from our team toward our overarching vision. This dedication is palpable in how we’ve strategized our approach to building a robust and engaged community around our brand. We’ve cultivated a unique rapport with our guests through initiatives like personalized loyalty programs and direct communication channels like email and WhatsApp. This connection is further enriched by offering exclusive benefits such as priority access or "jump-the-queue" passes to coveted events like the Live Auditions of the Roadies Show and hosting engaging activities that foster a sense of inclusion and belonging.

Our venue becomes more than just a place to visit, it becomes a vibrant community hub where everyone feels valued and part of something special. The allure of our offerings is amplified by the presence of high-profile events and celebrity appearances, which not only elevate our visibility but also add an exciting dimension to our guests’ experiences. Imagine the thrill of participating in Thrilling Task events alongside celebrities or getting lost in the music spun by world-renowned DJs and artists during live shows.

These moments are not just about entertainment, they’re about creating stories that our guests will share for years to come. It’s the passion and commitment of our team, who share in our vision of crafting these lasting memories, that truly sets us apart and forms the foundation of our success. As we look to the future, our unwavering commitment to exceed expectations and continue innovating ensures that Cafe Roadies will remain a beacon of excellence and creativity in the nightlife scene, a place where every visit is an adventure and every night is unforgettable.

.How do you integrate digital marketing, social media, and community engagement to create a seamless experience for Cafe Roadies’ patrons?

At Cafe Roadies, we redefine the essence of marketing by embracing the power of digital platforms, social media, and community involvement to create an extraordinary experience for our guests. Our dedication to nurturing a vibrant community shines through in our innovative offerings, like the Thrilling Tasks, which distinguish us and ignite a sense of adventure among our visitors. These activities craft unforgettable experiences, making a lasting mark on our guests and encouraging them to revisit us.

Our Jump the Queue passes elevate the guest experience by offering VIP treatment that allows quick and hassle-free access, significantly boosting their satisfaction. By harmonizing digital marketing, social media strategies, and community interactions, we guarantee our visitors a fluid and enjoyable experience. Our active engagement across various digital platforms ensures we connect with our audience by sharing engaging content and exclusive deals, attracting new visitors while deepening our bond with the existing community.

Our presence on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn acts as an extension of the vibrant life at Cafe Roadies. Here, we highlight our lively ambience and engage in meaningful conversations with our followers. This interactive space builds a welcoming environment that reflects the essence of Cafe Roadies. Our commitment goes beyond mere promotion, it is about forging significant relationships and enhancing the lives of our guests. At Cafe Roadies, every interaction is a chance to reinforce the connections that make our community uniquely ours.

What have you changed your mind about in the last decade?

In the span of the last decade, my perspective has undergone a profound evolution, largely influenced by my role as the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Cafe Roadies. This journey has illuminated the indispensable value of authentic connections and the creation of unforgettable experiences for our patrons. We’ve transitioned from merely entertaining to curating enduring moments that deeply resonate with our guests, fostering a dedicated community along the way.

Beyond the confines of the corporate sphere, my ethos champions a holistic approach to life, one that cherishes activities fostering joy and fulfillment. Looking ahead, I envision Cafe Roadies transcending its identity as a mere nocturnal hotspot, evolving into a paramount destination for social gatherings and celebratory occasions. Through a commitment to innovation, we are poised to ensure that Cafe Roadies remains a pulsating hub of vitality and prosperity for years to come.

Being named one of the Top Women Achievers by the Economic Times in 2023 is a remarkable achievement. How has this recognition impacted your career and your approach to leadership?

Being recognized as one of the Top Women Achievers by the esteemed Economic Times in 2023 was indeed a tremendous honor—one that has significantly influenced both my career trajectory and leadership philosophy. Such accolades serve as powerful motivators, simultaneously igniting a drive to excel while reminding us of the boundless potential within ourselves.

This recognition has intricately reshaped the landscape of our business partnerships. We’ve witnessed a marked shift in how our associate collaborators engage with us, now approaching with a heightened sense of enthusiasm and a desire for deeper, more impactful collaborations. This heightened interest has paved the way for more robust and mutually beneficial relationships, propelling our ventures to new heights of success.

Moreover, within the vibrant ecosystem of our dynamic team, this accolade has fostered a culture of continuous growth and learning. Each day, we collectively strive to surpass our previous achievements, fueled by the belief that there are no limits to what we can accomplish when we dedicate ourselves to constant improvement.

In essence, this recognition has not only validated our past efforts but also galvanized us to reach even greater heights in the future. It serves as a poignant reminder that with dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to excellence, the possibilities for achievement are limitless.