Exclusive Interview | Muhammad Saleem, Director of Restaurants & Bars InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort

Hotel industry must apply a sustainable approach to design, build and operate its premises. We have to ensure that the entire industry complies with sustainable practice.
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Introduction: Hospitality profession with over 15 years of experience in Food & Beverage for luxury resorts in the republic of Maldives. I can implement and run food & beverage strategies at the local and global levels. Greatest strength is business awareness, which enables me to permanently streamline infrastructure and appliances.

Editor: Tell us about your journey. How did it all start?

It's a long story, however, I will tell you shortly. Back in school life, I met a couple of industry employees during projects. Received interesting information and motivated me to join the industry. After finish, the school I went to some of the wells know hotel offices in Male to apply for the post of the waiter as I always wanted to work in the Food & Beverage Department. I got failed almost 20 times and spend more than 6 months looking for a chance to work in a resort. The main reason was that I did not have any work experience. However, I kept applying and finally got a chance to work in a resort back in 2004. I started as a pantry boy however after six months I become a waiter.

Editor: What do you think it takes to succeed in this industry?

Combination. of many things however there are few things that I believe we should have and practice by our self. Positive Attitude, believing in myself and work ethics, continuously learn and be innovative & creative.

Editor: What are the attributes you look for while selecting or hiring? If someone wants to work with you, what should they do?

I don't look at the grades as the most important thing when I shortlist candidates. I do shortlist a mix of candidates with good experience to even candidates without any experience based on our operational needs. Some important attributes that I look at when hiring includes,

a) Attitude.

b) Work ethics

c) Adaptability

d) Knowledge & skills of the job

e) A team player

f) Eager to learn and develop his /her self

Editor: What advice would you give to a young, aspiring hotelier for their internship?
Do not just start working for the sake of earning money. Start with passion and believing yourself. Dream big and set goals as that will create the right path for you to move forwards. Ensure to evaluate yourself and take corrective actions to achieve your goals. Never wait for someone to come and push you, however, push yourself every day.

Editor: What are some of the trends you see impacting the hospitality industry?

With the Covid-19 pandemic, lots of things have been changed and people lifestyle has changed. I believe digitalized guest experience, contactless technologies, sustainabilities, unique experience with modern innovation and creativity, personalized service, and health and safety are some of the trends impacting in Hotel Industry in recent years and even now despite the pandemic.

Editor: Two things you would like to change in the industry.

1- Sustainability: Hotel industry must apply a sustainable approach to design, build and operate its premises. We have to ensure that the entire industry complies with sustainable practice. This will help other related industries to change their mindset to become more sustainable.

2 - Hotel industry to look into new strategies to face social impacts brought in due to new normal to ensure that the industry thrives.