Exclusive Interview | Varun Balwani, Commercial Director, FCS Computer Systems - India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh

Hospitality exists when you believe the other person is on your side
— Varun Balwani
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Editor: How did it all start? Share your journey with us.

My love for hotels began back in 2004 after I switched from majoring in science to pursuing hotel management at the Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BCIHMCT), IP university. Since then, it has been an absolute pleasure being part of this industry, and I’ve never had a reason to look back. From offering cold towels at The Oberoi Vanyavilas to serving over 200 hotels within India with products by FCS, it’s been fun.

Editor: How did you choose the front office as your line of specialization and where did you spend your time in your career?

After completing my industrial training from The Oberoi Vanyavilas, I had decided to pursue the pathway of Front Office as a stepping stone into the industry. In 2007, I was fortunate to have been selected as Executive Trainee at The Imperial New Delhi. Since then, for over the next decade, I have spent valuable time growing and learning from well-recognized brands such as The Leela Kempinski, Roseate Hotels & Resorts, and Hyatt Andaz New Delhi. In fact, my last assignment as Front Office Manager was at the Hyatt Andaz New Delhi.

Editor: From soft service to software business, how did it all happen……

It all happened so quickly and I truly believe it was the call of destiny. I was floored after my interaction with our CEO Mr Yoon in Bangkok. My love for computers since an early age led me to my decision of joining FCS back in June 2018. It’s been amazing working all these years in a new vertical and it has become my mission to nudge the hotels in India towards the right direction of implementing technology to improve the way they run their operations. I have always believed that the hospitality industry is much more than the core business. The role allied partners play in the success of a hotel is huge and I can’t agree more since I have witnessed it firsthand.

Editor: Do you miss working for hotels?

Yes, of course, I do. I sometimes feel that I was born to be a hotelier and it’s very difficult to imagine working in any other industry that can offer so many new challenges thrown at you every day. However, even though I now serve the industry from a different angle, I experience interesting challenges that make every day exciting as well.


Editor: How has FCS transitioned during the pandemic with all new challenges imposed by the pandemic?

FCS has always been quick on its feet. We developed and delivered a new checklist solution within 7 days of its request to a major chain in India for its COVID-19 prevention operations. Currently, we serve over 60 hotels with that one product alone and it’s quite an achievement knowing the fact that curating a technology can take years. 

Editor: Having worked in hotels, how do you see your products helping hoteliers in day-to-day operations?

Each solution of FCS has been designed while keeping in mind the intricacies of hotel operations. With just one application in hand, a housekeeper can do all 10 out of 10 assigned tasks without having to make a single call to another associate. Similarly, a concierge can manage baggage operations without holding an errand card. We have a range of game-changing products that focus only on making the overall guest experience greater while providing a better controlled bottom line.

Editor: As a hotelier what new challenges do you foresee for hotels and how do you see them overcome the same?

Currently, the entire hotel industry has been a victim of the global pandemic. And, we are constantly adapting to the latest situation. Most of the hospitality industry is in a conservative mode including hotels, airlines, and allied industries. However, I have seen the industry overcome multiple setbacks before, and I am very sure we will come out on top. Once the post-pandemic world takes over, we will see hotels reverting back to high-traffic operations in no time. And when that time comes, we will be ready to help them get back on their feet.