Hilton News | Sustainable Travel Bucket List: 10 of the Best Eco-conscious Hiltons Around the World # 7 Hilton Garden Inn Dubai Mall of the Emirates


Hilton Garden Inn Dubai Mall of the Emirates

Located close to Dubai’s most famous shopping mall, Hilton Garden Inn Dubai Mall of the Emirates has operated with sustainability at its heart since it first opened in 2015. Recently, in recognition of its continued commitment to environmental stewardship, the hotel was upgraded to LEED Platinum certification – a prestigious, internationally recognized standard for green buildings. Behind the scenes, the hotel’s greywater recycling system has been significantly reducing water consumption and helping to combat Dubai’s water scarcity issue since the hotel first opened. Solar thermal panels take advantage of the sunny climes to provide renewable energy for the hotel, whilst intelligent software helps the property’s engineers to ensure the hotel runs as efficiently as possible at all times, adapting energy consumption in line with occupancy levels and guest demand.
