Winter dishes by The Ghost Chef to keep you warm this season

December is the most celebrated time of the year. Along with it being a festive season, Mumbai also enjoys a dip in the temperature, and the nip in the air is enough to make you hungry and crave some seasonal dishes.

Indian culture is diverse and so are the cuisines, and Mumbai’s newest delivery kitchen by Chef Akhil Multani, The Ghost Chef is a perfect option to try out the winter food from the different cuisines offered by the brand.

The Ghost Chef offers wholesome, well-crafted comfort food from specialists across cuisines in their Indian, Lebanese and Italian menus called ‘Namak’, ‘Alas’ and ‘IL Sale’ respectively.

There are various varieties of soothing soups in the menu, but Roast tomato & Basil Soup made of Spit roasted Tomatoes, Garlic & Basil, Served With Croutons, from IL Sale catches the attention for the season. 

Indulge in the newest dish from their Namak menu, Tambda rassa, a Marathwada special, onion & Kolhapuri chili gravy, spicy mutton, a treat for the meat lovers. Highlight for the winters from the Alas menu is Chicken shawarma manakeesh, slow cooked chicken shawarma topped on a base of toum & spicy labneh, finished with cheese.

So celebrate the weather, and take the chill off winter by ordering these hearty dishes from The Ghost Chef.

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