BCIHMCT New Delhi Organizes 13th India International Hotel, Travel & Tourism Research Conference on "Green Investment, Inclusive Growth & Digital Futures"

BCIHMCT New Delhi is proud to host the 13th India International Hotel, Travel & Tourism Research Conference on the theme "Green Investment, Inclusive Growth & Digital Futures" from April 04 to April 06, 2023. The event will be a platform for esteemed National and International speakers to discuss and deliberate on various topics related to the hospitality and tourism industry.

The conference will be graced by the presence of distinguished personalities such as Shri Vinod Zutshi Ji, IAS (Retd.), Former Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India, Dr. Enrico Panai, President- EATSA (Euro Asia Tourism Studies Association), Mr Gaurav Shah, General Manager (Southeast Asia), BotShot-Hotel Automation Solution, Dr Lucilia Cardoso, Researcher of CITUR – Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation, Portugal and President, Portuguese Graduates Association, Switzerland, Dr Naira Mkrtchyan, Head of Education Department, Armenia-Russian International University, Armenia and Prof. Paramita Suklabaidya, Director, School of Tourism and Hospitality Services Management, IGNOU.

The conference will feature discussions on various topics such as Film Tourism, Destination Promotion & Economic Development, Facilities, Quality and Innovations in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality, Managing Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, and Role of Big Data, Smart Applications and social media as Digital Future.

The topic of Film Tourism, Destination Promotion & Economic Development will focus on the role of the film industry in promoting tourism and how it can contribute to the economic development of a region. The Facilities, Quality and Innovations in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality will discuss how innovative technologies and practices can improve the quality of services provided in the hospitality and tourism industry.

Managing Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism will shed light on the challenges faced in managing human resources in the industry and strategies to overcome them. Finally, the Role of Big Data, Smart Applications and social media as Digital Future will explore the potential of digital technologies in transforming the hospitality and tourism industry.

BCIHMCT New Delhi invites all stakeholders of the hospitality and tourism industry to attend the 13th India International Hotel, Travel & Tourism Research Conference and be a part of the discussions and deliberations on the latest trends and practices in the hospitality industry.

BCIHMCT Delhi to hold a three-day International Conference

The theme of the 13th India International Hotel, Travel & Tourism Research Conference (IIHTTRC, 2023), which will be held from March 1-3, is "Green Investment, Inclusive Growth & Digital Futures in Tourism & Hospitality."

The Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology will host the 13th edition of the India International Hotel, Travel & Tourism Research Conference from March 1 to 3, 2022. To be held in an offline mode, the upcoming conference will focus on the theme “Green Investment, Inclusive Growth & Digital Futures in Tourism & Hospitality”.

Amidst the theme of Tourism & Green Investment proposed by UNWTO for the year 2023, the conference intends to address, discuss and devise future strategies also for Inclusive growth and Digital futures along with Green Investment in Hospitality & Tourism Sector. The aim of the 13th India International Hotel, Travel Tourism Research Conference is to bring together a unique and international mix of experts, researchers, and decision-makers both from academia and industry across the globe to exchange their knowledge, experience, and research innovations to highlight and deliver a best possible outcome to discourse the chosen components of the theme i.e. Green Investment, Inclusive Growth & Digital Futures.

The conference will include formal presentations, workshops, awards, and other industry-related forums. Apart from the regular presentations, the conference will include keynote addresses by eminent speakers and experts from both industry and academia. Original articles, research papers, and case studies that highlight the issues will be included in formal research presentations during the conference

The conference with the overall theme focused on "Green Investment, Inclusive Growth & Digital Futures in Tourism & Hospitality" has a wide range of sub-themes, including - Strategic Advances & Digital Futures in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry, Building Guest   Experience, Trust & Loyalty post-pandemic, Role of Big Data, Smart Applications and social media as Digital Future, Destination Marketing, Branding and Loyalty through Green Investment, Innovations & Entrepreneurship avenues in Tourism & Hospitality, Film Tourism, Destination Promotion & Economic Development, Post Crisis Tourism and Hospitality Scenario etc.

Selected Quality papers shall be published in “Indian Journal of Applied Hospitality Tourism Research” Vol 15 (ISSN 0975 4954), an annual peer-reviewed open access Hospitality & Tourism Management Journal indexed in India Citation Index (ICI), Cite factor and CABI. Also, the selected papers from the conference will be published in an ISBN Edited Book titled “Green Investment, Inclusive Growth & Digital Futures in Tourism & Hospitality”.

BCIHMCT is a NAAC “A+”-accredited institution and affiliated with GGSIP University, Delhi.

Fresher's Party 2022- A Grand Spectacle of BCIHMCT

On December 17, 2022, the Fresher's Party was hosted by the Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology. The college's senior class, the interior design team, and the cultural team all contributed to the event's ambiance and atmosphere. The Fresher's Party theme was FIRE AND ICE.

Fresher's Party is a great approach to make incoming students feel welcome in a fun environment. Promoting their creativity and boosting their self-confidence is the major goal of organizing this exciting spectacle. It's the day to truly get to know your seniors and juniors and forge a relationship that will last a lifetime.

Honorable Principal Prof. R. K. Bhandari, BCIHMCT gave the program's opening address and urged everyone to participate in these activities to break free from their inhibitions and grow as people. Trigun Sharma (Batch 2019–2023) served as the host of the program, and Ms. Agrima Bhatia (Batch 2021–25) and Mr. Anubhav Batra (Batch 2021–25) served as the anchors. All three did a fantastic job of offering encouragement from time to time and running the event within the allotted time.

The event started off with a ramp walk-in when the participants displayed their self-assurance and aptitude for donning the greatest outfits in keeping with the Fire and Ice theme. The enthusiastic and ecstatic college crowd enjoyed the Talent Round that came followed the Ramp Walk event.

Students demonstrated their musical, dancing, singing, and instrument-playing skills in this round, as well as a Bhangra performance. A distinguished group of judges (faculty members) then chose the top four finalists based on their dress, level of confidence, and performance.

Mr. Jagrit Agnihotri and Ms. Antika Patel, who respectively won Mr and Ms Fresher, were crowned at the event's conclusion. During their same dance sequences, one performed meticulously and energized the audience, while the other dazzled them with elegance and stage presence.

Other notable winners included Ms. Asmi Chopra for "Best Ramp Walk," Mr. Abhay Chuahan for "Mr. Well Dressed," Ms. Harman Kaur for "Ms. Well Dressed," and Ms. Richa (Best Performer).

The efforts of the cultural team, under the direction of Ms. Divya Thakur and Ms. Rachna Chandan, Assistant Professors, BCIHMCT, and coordinated by Mr. Kartik Kumar, Mr. Yash Bararia, and the interior team, under the direction of Mr. Yashank Kumar and Mr. Aditya Mittal, made the event a great success. The event was reported by Peeyush Srivastav, Media Coordinator, Assistant Professor, BCIHMCT.


Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BCIHMCT), New Delhi organized the Orientation Programme for the First Year students, (Batch 2022 -2026).

The institute welcomed the radiant and energetic bunch of students with host of activities including – Introductory Session, Name Game Activity, Communication Skills Enhancement session by Peeyush Srivastav (HOD, F&B, BCIHMCT), Session by the Training and Placement DepartmentBY Dr. Manish Malhotra, Mr. Sidharth srivastav and Mr. Nikhil Sharma, Assistant Professors, BCIHMCT, Speeches by Prof. R K Bhandari, Principal, BCIHMCT, Mr. Ranojit Kundu (HOD, Patissiere) among many other activities.

The main purpose of the Orientation Programme was to make students aware about the college, the educational facilities available to them and to learn about the faculty members.

Each day, the orientation programme commenced with a warm welcome to all the students of the First years and gave ample opportunities to students to showcase their skills and talents in a variety of ways. It is a first step for a college student to prepare himself/herself to embark on their future journey.

In one of the sessions of art and craft activity, the students were asked to make handicrafts and paintings with a theme in their mind in which we discovered many talented artists among the first year students.

In another session on communication skills, Mr Peeyush Srivastav, faculty, gave important inputs on enhancing and improving vocabulary through developing a reading habit, to read newspapers, use dictionary, play word games and its usage in conversation. He explained that the primary focus of the students should be to be observant, inquisitive and to have a recall value. The communication skills require teamwork which is a combination of 3C's - Collaboration, Cooperation and Coordination. It helps us to create a vision which inspires us to imagine and become innovative. It is one of our important life skills which would be helpful in our coming future and our life is totally meaningless without it.

The Session on Career opportunities by Mr. Ranojit Kundu was invigorating and exhaustive with a light sense of humour. He motivated the students to remain focused on the opportunities which the hospitality sector brings along. Only the students with dedication, sincerity and discipline will be able to harness the true potential of this professional course, he explained. The session on Computer Department was taken by Mr. Mohan Jain, Assistant Professor wherein explained the various facilities provided by the institute and the session on Library was taken by our experienced and dedicated Librarian, Mr Mohinder Pal Singh. He explained the importance of books in the modern times and how this facility can be utilized by the students during the entire year.

Students also watched a movie “The Hundred-Foot Journey”, which was about a chef and his family proving his passion towards Indian cuisine and his battle with the orthodox French cuisine, in terms of culture, ingredients and taste. This movie portrayed the chefs’ love and passion for cooking. The programme came to an end with a question- answer session in which the students shared their doubts and queries.

Ms. Smriti Saneja, alumni , BCIHMCT and now an Image Consultant, took a session on Professional Grooming. Students understood the importance of grooming in their profession. She addressed all doubts and provided them with guidance on classes, grooming and communication skills. The activity ended with a group photograph followed by a huge round of applause. The day ended with students walking away carrying many value points and lessons of life which would benefit them in their professional journey.

Class Coordinators Ms Divya Thakur and Mr. Durga Prasad Shukla, Assistant Professors, handled the entire Orientation program effectively and got a positive response from all the students.



Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management And Catering Technology and Academy of Pastry and Culinary Arts (APCA), India collaborated to organize a BAKERY & CULINARY Workshop for aspiring Culinary and Bakery Chefs of BCIHMCT, New Delhi.

The workshop, conducted on September 17, 2022, in the institute premises, was specifically aimed for student chefs who are aiming to make their careers in Culinary, Bakery, and Patisserie. A total of 30 students from the Final year benefitted from the workshop.

Mr. A K Gupta, Marketing Head, APCA, commenced the session with a presentation on the Academy of Pastry and Culinary, making students aware about the many avenues being offered in the field of Patisserie. In modern times, the right kind of culinary and pastry education along with the art of cooking can be a stepping stone for one of the most sought-after career options in India.

Chef, Ms. Prerna Baldev Motwani, Assistant Bakery Chef APCA, then practically demonstrated the different dimensions of Cake Making and emphasized on Travel Cakes in particular. Students were amazed to learn about ORANGE CHOCOLATE CAKE - a recipe formulated by the chef herself.

During the preparation of the cake, she gave insights about many pertinent factors like – Science of Cake Making, Use and Significance of right Ingredients in Cake Making, Handling Faults in Cake Making etc. The session was interactive, and students asked many questions and the experienced baker was quick to answer all of them. The event was a major success as it made the students realize another career path for their culinary future.

The event was coordinated by Chef Ranojit Kundu (HOD – Patisserie), Chef Uttam Kumar Singh and Chef Suprabhat Banerjee, Assistant Professors, BCIHMCT, New Delhi. The event was reported by Mr Peeyush Srivastav, Assistant Professor, BCIHMCT, New Delhi.