Vinesh Gupta, General Manager of The Den on Year End Thoughts

What has been your most striking takeaway from the year 2023?

Reflecting on 2023 fills me with a profound sense of achievement. It was truly the year of consolidation for businesses, witnessing a remarkable resurgence to pre-COVID levels. This journey illuminated the unwavering resilience not only of our Indian economy but also on a global scale. The dawn of 2023 brought forth a new beginning, infused with an overwhelming optimism that continues to inspire us. Our commitment to excellence, coupled with the positive strides of the year, propels us forward into a future defined by renewed hope, unwavering determination, and a commitment to providing unparalleled experiences at Den Hotel Bengaluru."

What is your plan for 2024?

As we set our sights on 2024, The Den's vision is clear – it's the year of growth. Our programme is meticulously planned, budgeted, and focuses on measurable outcomes. Quantitatively, we expect to achieve an excellent 18% top-line growth and a solid 24% bottom-line growth, demonstrating our commitment to financial stability and sustainable development. With the industry projecting 8% growth, The Den hopes to outperform and set lofty goals for itself. Our focus is resolute, and our goal is clear – 2024 will witness The Den's ascent to new heights of success and innovation."