Exclusive Interview | Ravi Singh, General Manager, Ramada Dehradun

Being an academician myself, I would also like to change the way hospitality education is being imparted and we have taken the step by starting Servo Hospitality School where our key focus is on experiential learning
Ravi Singh-GM,Ramada Dehradun.jpg

Editor: Tell us about your journey. How did it all start?

One of the most defining characteristics of Indian culture is hospitality and I have been bought up to the common phrase of “Atithi Devo bhava,” meaning, “Guests are forms of God.” Hosting guests at home during vacation is one of the fond nostalgic memories I have of my childhood. This is perhaps what instilled in me an interest in hospitality, and I choose Hotel Management as a career option. I completed my Hotel Management training from MS Ramaiah University and started my career with Taj Gateway in Bangalore.

Editor: What do you think it takes to succeed in this industry?

It is Passion, Discipline, Hard work, and Patience that are the key virtues that every hotelier must possess and make it a part of their professional life. Leadership skills are also a prerequisite once you start managing big teams.

Editor: What are the attributes you look for while selecting or hiring? If someone wants to work with you, what should they do?

We look forward to hiring passionate people who are open to learning, carry a good attitude, and have good communication skills. If any candidate fulfils the above attributes, he is the right candidate for us.

Editor: What according to you can trainees do while they are training at hotels to make it a win-win for them & the hotel/unit?

They need to be more responsible about their attitude and their learning. Trainees need to be proactive and inculcate the belief that learning is their own responsibility.

Editor: What are some of the trends you see impacting the hospitality industry?

The millennials and Gen X travel trends are different compared to others. They are more focused on new experiences rather than focus on luxury. They are more inquisitive and always on the lookout for something new. We as hospitality professionals should start creating experiences for the new age travelers. Personalization of experiences is also one of the key requirements of the new age travellers.

Editor: Tech is now an enabler for great hospitality. Can you share with us some of the techs that go into creating your guest experience?

Technology makes processes faster and more accurate. Data is the new gold and we as an industry have also started focussing on the same. Incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in our reservations, feedback mechanisms, revenue management, and food orders will drive the growth of the industry in the years to come. In the expansion phase at Hotel Ramada, Dehradun, we are also looking at AI integration and creating smart rooms with Smart Locks and many other features including Alexa integration. Future is tech-driven and in countries like Japan and China, bots have been put to use to do many jobs that were earlier performed by humans.

Editor: Two things you would like to change in the industry.

Firstly, the way teams are being managed. Secondly, work timings in the hospitality industry. Being an academician myself, I would also like to change the way hospitality education is being imparted and we have taken the step by starting Servo Hospitality School where our key focus is on experiential learning.

Editor: What can we expect in the coming year?

Gen X is going to drive the changes in the next few years. Sustainability is going to get a lot of focus and every hotel brand is working towards the same. It is all going to be about the data and tech-driven decision making and creating a personalized hospitality experience for every traveller.