Exclusive Interview | Sandip Karmalkar | Executive Housekeeper, Sheraton Grand Hotel, Dubai
/“There are only two things that lead to success in this industry, patience and perseverance”
Editor: Tell us about your journey. How did it all start?
Like most hoteliers, I too had a humble beginning, where I started with Oberois hotels as a housekeeping assistant in Udaipur, kept growing the food chain with all the zeal and passion working with different brands like IHG, Hyatt, Marriott International, etc. Little did I know about this industry when I started but as I progressed I realized that this is the place where I belong, providing that joy and happiness to another human being and being paid for it is something which I really kept me going till now.
Editor: What do you think it takes to succeed in this industry
There are only two things that lead to success in this industry, patience and perseverance and the will to constantly find ways to innovate and in today’s day and age one must surely consider frugality while taking business decisions.
Editor: What are the attributes you look for while selecting or hiring? If someone wants to work with you, what should they do?
The right attitude and someone who possess the right outlook in terms of understanding the business needs and more importantly the fact that we are dealing with humans and not machines be It guests or associates.
Editor: What are some of the trends you see impacting the hospitality industry?
Social Media and outsourcing, Social media either makes or breaks the hotels reputation. Although the advent of social media is a blessing in disguise for most of the industries around but sometimes it does take a toll on the value of brand. Take for instance some you tube video which surfaced where good brands were affected when random people were checking in different hotels in different parts of the world and checking rooms via UV lights, surely it was an eye-opener for the management however it did hamper the reputation.Outsourcing manpower is one another trend which does show immediate profits but in the long run it squeezes out the quality of the property, needless to say they are not must concerned about the brand and have a clear mindset of working for the hours they are paid for. Developing motivation and sense of belongings is quite a daunting tasks for the industry leaders.
Editor: Tech is now an enabler for great hospitality. Can you share with us some of the techs that go into creating your guest experience?
Various platforms like GXP used in Marriott International or Salt used in Hilton are reasons for guest delights. Even before the guest steps in the hotel we already know his preference, by using such technology anticipating guest needs actually becomes easier. At Marriott guest also can do mobile check in by using Marriott application. These are the few touches which are taking guest experience to next level.
Editor: Two things you would like to change in the industry.
I wouldn’t want to change anything in the industry entirely however I would certainly want to inculcate the culture of innovation and creativity across all hierarchy in a hotel. With the suggestion box there must be an innovation box where people can drop any idea which strikes their genius mind.Innovation need not be something which involves costs but something which solves problems and makes the process easier.