In “The Day After”, Hospitality is the Future

Over 7.1 million people infected in all regions of the world and far too many losses. World Trade expected to fall by between 13% and 32%.

A massive 75 million jobs at risk as per the UN World Tourism Organization, a 20 to 30% expected drop in international tourist arrivals, 2.1 Trillion $ of GDP loss, with 80% of small and medium-sized companies endangered.

Thanks to a dedicated on-line task force, we all switched to distant and online learning, producing thousands of videos on nearly all topics covering everything from mixology to finance or revenue management. Our faculty members have once again proven their incredible commitment to our students who are now connected to us from everywhere in the world.

Every day around the world, corporate, personal and collective initiatives are multiplying to support medical and hospital staff, who are more mobilized now than ever. The Chefs of our schools have joined forces to support and bring a bit of comfort to these health warriors.

The word "Hospitality" has never been so meaningful: empathy, generosity, sense of service…

As a first sign of recovery, close to 90% of the hotels in China are now reopened, and China air traffic is running at above 40% of its capacity. Moreover, governments around the globe are preparing and starting to implement post-confinement strategies.

We have the unique opportunity to create a "Day After" that is more balanced and more sustainable, and Hospitality will be one of its driving forces.

Hospitality, amounting to 10% of global GDP and accounting for one out of nine jobs worldwide, will be one of the main contributors to the rebound of the world economy and to job market recovery.

In "The Day After", Hospitality is the future.
