Ingredient Ideology | THE TURMERIC TRIVIA By: Dr. Kaviraj Khialani- Celebrity Master Chef.


Turmeric, also known as the golden herb of India, is a plant in the ginger family, is native to Southeast Asia and is grown commercially in that region, primarily in India. Its rhizome (underground stem) is used as a culinary spice and traditional medicine. Historically, turmeric was used in Ayurveda and other traditional Indian medical systems, as well as Eastern Asian medical systems such as traditional Chinese medicine. In India, it was traditionally used for disorders of the skin, upper respiratory tract, joints, and digestive system. Today, turmeric is promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression, and many others. Turmeric is a common spice and a major ingredient in curry powder. Curcumin is a major component of turmeric, and the activities of turmeric are commonly attributed to curcuminoids (curcumin and closely related substances). Curcumin gives turmeric its yellow color.

 Turmeric dietary supplements are made from the dried rhizome and typically contain a mixture of curcuminoids. Turmeric is also made into a paste for skin conditions. Turmeric is a yellow spice and medicinal herb that originated in India. The orange pulp inside the stem contains the potent plant compound curcumin.

Turmeric and curcumin have a variety of interesting biological activities, but they’re challenging to study because curcumin is unstable (it easily changes into other substances) and has low bioavailability (not much of it reaches the bloodstream) when it’s taken orally. In addition, curcumin products may differ in composition or contain more substances than expected, which makes the results of research on these products difficult to understand and compare. Because the actions of turmeric and its components in people are complex and not well understood, no clear conclusions have been reached about whether these substances have benefits for health conditions. Turmeric and conventionally formulated curcumin products are probably safe when taken orally or applied to the skin in the recommended amounts. Efforts have been made to develop curcumin products with increased bioavailability, and many modified products are already on the market. Improving bioavailability might lead to increases in harmful effects as well as desirable ones. Turmeric may be unsafe for use during pregnancy in amounts greater than those commonly found in food. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use turmeric in amounts greater than those commonly found in food while breastfeeding.

Turmeric is used in Ayurveda to balance vata, pitta, and kapha, though, in excess, it can aggravate pitta and vata. It has many beneficial effects for rasa and rakta dhatus (the blood and plasma of the circulatory system). It also kindles Agni (digestive fire), helping reduce Kapha and ama (toxins). In Ayurvedic practices, turmeric is thought to have many medicinal properties including strengthening the overall energy of the body, relieving gas, dispelling worms, improving digestion, regulating menstruation, dissolving gallstones, and relieving arthritis. Turmeric is used in Ayurveda to balance all three Doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha. If taken in excess however, it can aggravate pitta and vata. From an Ayurvedic point of view, turmeric has the following properties: warming, pungent, light, dry and digestive. Turmeric is Tridoshic, meaning it serves to balance all three Doshas. Despite being warming, this magic spice is great for balancing fiery Pitta just be careful not to overdo it. Adding ¼ teaspoon three times as day with your meals is a wonderful way to include turmeric in your daily diet. As tea, enjoy 2-3 cups throughout the day in combination with other supportive herbs such as ginger, triphala, green tea, or lemon. Turmeric Active - The essential turmeric blend for the active lifestyle. The recommended turmeric dosage is between 150-250 mg of curcumin and 1000-1500 mg of turmeric root powder per day. This is a safe amount of turmeric to take daily and should be enough to yield significant health benefits to those who remain consistent with turmeric supplements. 

Turmeric has been used as a medicine for centuries to treat wounds, infections, colds, and liver disease. Studies have shown that curcumin, a compound in turmeric, may reduce inflammation in the body. Turmeric has antioxidant properties and one study shows that it may protect your body from free radicals by neutralizing them. Another study suggests that turmeric's antioxidant effects may also stimulate the activity of other antioxidants. So, by eating turmeric with good fats, like avocado, olive oil or coconut oil, you're more likely to absorb more of it into your bloodstream. This is also why turmeric is commonly mixed with warm milk—any kind of milk including coconut, cow, or almond. However, People who should not take turmeric include those with gallbladder problems, bleeding disorders, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), infertility, iron deficiency, liver disease, hormone-sensitive conditions and arrhythmia. Pregnant women and those who are going to undergo surgery should not use turmeric.


Let us now look at a few easy to make healthy and nutritious recipes using Turmeric.



Boiled chickpeas- 1 and a half cup

Turmeric – fresh or powdered as desired ¾ tsp

Garlic-1 tsp chopped

Olive oil/ refined oil- ¼ cup

Chilled water-2-3 tbsp.

Tahini paste- 2-3 tsp

Lime juice- 2-3 tsp

Pinenuts/ cashews/ roasted peanuts- 3-4 tbsp.

Cream cheese- 2 tsp

For additional flavouring and garnish:

Chili flakes- ½ tsp

Mixed herbs-1/2 tsp dried or fresh ones

Micro-greens for garnish

Black olives- 2-3 no

Green olives- 2-3 no

Stuffed olives- 2-3 no

Paprika powder-1/2 tsp

Parsley-2-3 sprigs

To serve with: veg sticks/ pitta bread/ lavash/ cheese straws



1. To start with, ensure the chickpeas are soaked for 5-6 hours and then boiled, well cooked and cooled down. They would now be ready to go to the next step of being further processed into the hummus dip.

2. Using a food processor, combine together the boiled chickpeas and all other ingredients as mentioned and using a little chilled water and oil, tahini paste we need to process it further into a smooth paste.

3. Once the desired coating yet smooth texture of the hummus is achieved we can remove it into a bowl check for seasonings, adjust the salt and lime, the flavours can be enhanced as well as options given above.

4. Portion out the turmeric hummus into the serving dip bowl, garnish it appropriately and allow it to be chilled for 20-25 mins. in the meantime, we can prepare the cuts of veggies, pita bread, lavash, cheese straws etc which will be served with the dip, assemble and serve cold.




For the chicken:

Boneless chicken cubes- 250 gms

To marinate:

Oil-2 tbsp.

Garlic paste-1 tsp

Fresh turmeric-1 tsp paste

Salt and crushed black pepper to taste

Mustard paste-1/2 tsp

Lime juice-1 tbsp.

Lemon leaves- 2-3 no

Lemon grass- 2-3 pieces

Ginger-1 tsp juliennes

For the melange cooking:

Oil-2 tsp

Butter-1 tsp

Slit green chilies- 2-3 no

Slit red chilies-1-2 no

Sliced onion-1 small

Garlic- ginger paste-1 tsp mix

Salt to taste

Thai yellow curry paste-2-3 tsp

Coconut milk- 1 cup thick

Water- ½ cup

Boiled chickpeas-1/2 cup

Diced fresh pineapple- ½ cup 

Fresh basil leaves-8-10 no

Roasted crushed peanuts-2-3 tsp

To serve with:

Steamed rice, brown rice, coconut rice, pea pulao, birishta rice


1. Prepare all the ingredients for the recipe as listed.

2. Start with the marination of the chicken pieces and apply the turmeric and other ingredients over and keep aside for 10-15 mins.

3. Start with the cooking for the same, heat oil and butter add in the flavourings, ginger, garlic, onions, saute for a few minutes. Add in the yellow curry paste, little water, salt and sugar a little as well to balance the spices.

4. Add in the chicken pieces and saute them for a couple of minutes, add in some water to cook the chicken also add boiled chickpeas and simmer for 2-3 mins, add in coconut milk and continue simmering for 4-5 mins.

5. Now check for texture and adjust it accordingly, and the dish would be cooked by now, garnish it appropriately and serve it hot with steamed rice, variety of rice can go along with this dish. Garnishes can also be colorful and crunchy as well.




Oil-2 tsp

Ghee-1 tsp

Hing-1/2 tsp

Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp

Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp

Curry leaves- 10-12 no

Slit green chilies-2-3 no

Slit red chilies-2-3 no

Chana dal- 1 tsp

Ginger juliennes- 1 tsp

Onion-1 small sliced

Salt to taste

Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp 

White cabbage- 200 gms, shredded

Freshly grated coconut-1/4 cup

Fresh coriander leaves- 2-3 tbsp.

Aamchur powder-1/2 tsp


1. Prepare all the ingredients for the cabbage and turmeric recipe and keep it all ready before starting.

2. Shred the cabbage, heat oil and ghee in a pan add in the ingredients for the tempering one by one and allow them to start spluttering and crackling for a few seconds.

3. Add in the chana dal as well, a little water to prevent the spices from burning, add in the onions, saute them to a light pink color. Add in salt, turmeric and shredded cabbage.

4. In some variations, I also use green peas, capsicums, french beans, carrots etc as well with cabbage while making it the same way.

5. Cover and simmer, allow the cabbage to cook in steam with all the spices and turmeric for around 5-6 mins. open and stir, add in the freshly grated coconut, at times I also add boiled ground nuts into the same recipe for a crunch. Finally garnish the recipe with fresh coriander, a fried red chili and enjoy it as a side dish with a gravy preparation or dal, rice.




Basmati rice- 1 and a half cup boiled

Oil-2 tsp

Ghee-2 tsp

Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp

Hing-1/2 tsp

Ginger-1 tsp chopped

Garlic-1 tsp sliced

Onion-1 small chopped

Curry leaves- 5-6 no

Slit green chilies- 2-3 no

Slit red chilies- 2-3 no

Thai yellow curry paste-2-3 tsp

Lemon grass- 3-4 pieces

Salt to taste

Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp

Coconut milk-1 cup thick

Roasted crushed peanuts-2-3 tbsp.

Salt and pepper to taste

Assorted veggies: boiled corn, zucchini cubes, carrot cubes, french beans, broccoli, mushrooms, red capsicum etc

Water-1/2 cup

Fresh coriander leaves- 2 tbsp. chopped

Lime juice-1 tsp add and serve

Fried/ toasted cashewnuts- 2-3 tbsp.

Fried/ toasted assorted nuts- 1-2 tsp

Raisins-2 tsp

Fresh coconut shavings/ tender coconut for garnish.


1. Prepare all the ingredients for the rice recipe as listed.

2. The rice needs to be almost cooked and to be cooked by draining method.

3. Using a wok or an open pan, we need to saute the rice recipe, starting with some oil and ghee, add in the ingredients for the tempering one by one from hing to chilies, to seeds, ginger-garlic, onions and saute them well.

4. Now we can add in the assorted blanched or pre-cooked veggies, the yellow curry paste, some water, lemon grass, basil leaves, salt to taste and mix well. cook for 2-3 mins.

5. continue by adding in coconut milk, add in the rice and cook it all together for 3-4 mins on a medium flame, stir occasionally. Finally, we garnish the curried rice with nuts, fried curry leaves, fried red chilies, golden fried onions etc and serve it hot.




Prawns- 500 gms, shelled, deveined, cleaned and washed

For the marination:

Oil-2 tbsp. 

Lime juice-2 tbsp.

White vinegar-1 tbsp.

Turmeric powder/fresh turmeric paste-1 tsp

Crushed black pepper- ½ tsp

For the stir fry with the prawns:

Oil- 2 tsp

Butter-1 tsp

Slit green chilies- 3-4 no

Slit red chilies- 3- 4 no

Garlic- 1 tsp sliced

Ginger-1 tsp sliced

Salt to taste

Sugar-1/2 tsp

Shallots/ spring onions- 4-5 cut

Lemon grass- 4-5 pieces

Lime leaves- 3-4 no

Thai red/ yellow curry paste-2-3 tsp

Water-1/2 cup

Red chili sauce-1 tsp

Tamarind pulp-2-3 tsp

Corn flour and water solution- 2-3 tsp to thicken

Sunflower seeds/ pumpkin seeds- 1 tsp

Fresh coriander- 2-3 tbsp.


1. Clean, wash and prepare the prawns for the recipe.

2. Apply the marination on the prawns and keep aside for 12-15 mins.

3. Once the prawns are well marinated and flavours infused in the prawns, we can saute the prawns in a little oil in a hot pan for few mins and remove them aside.

4. Using the same pan, we continue the sautéing of the ingredients starting with lemongrass, ginger, garlic, onions/shallots, red chilies, green chilies etc, cook them up for a few minutes, now add in the curry paste, add little water.

5. Bring to a boil, add in the sauces, seasonings, and adjust the texture add in the corn flour water solution and get a nice thick texture to the sauce, add in the prawns and cook them on a medium flame for 3-4 mins more.

6. Finally, add in a little sugar and tamarind pulp, a dash of Capsico or red chili sauce/ schezuan sauce and toss the prawns well, add some dices of red/green/yellow capsicums for some color and crunch as well. serve hot.




For the spice mix:

Green cardamom-1-2 no

Cloves-1-2 no

Cinnamon stick-1/2-inch piece


Sugar-2-3 tsp

For the milk mixture:

Milk- 500- 750 ml

Honey-1-2 tsp

Sugar- as required

Additional flavours/ ingredients which may be used:

Cashew powder-1 tsp

Almond powder-1 tsp

Nutmeg powder-1 pinch

Dried rose petals- 2-3 tsp

Ginger powder-1 pinch

Saffron- 2-3 strands

Palm sugar-1-2 tsp

Jaggery-2-3 tsp grated

The above are optional ingredients


1. Prepare all the ingredients for the golden turmeric milk.

2. To prepare the spice mix, dry roast the spices on a tava for 2-3 mins, cool and mix with sugar and grind to a powder, store in an airtight box.

3. To start with the recipe, place the milk in a heavy bottomed pan and bring to a boil, simmer and reduce a little, add in the spice mix and cook for 2-3 mins, simmer the milk and add in the sweetener of your choice and continue to cook the golden milk for 2-3 mins more.

4. If adding in the dry fruits/ powdered version or chopped etc can be done at this stage, mix and serve it hot in small cups/ glasses and garnish with a little cinnamon powder on the top and enjoy it as a nice immunity boosting beverage at any hour of the day.