DR. KAVIRAJ KHIALANI honoured with India’s Iron Man’s Award under the title of Celebrity Master Chef Award 2022 by MMTV Media Awards.

DR. KAVIRAJ KHIALANI honoured with India’s Iron Man’s Award under the title of Celebrity Master Chef Award 2022 by MMTV Media Awards.

A passionate foodie with a zeal to do something different ever since he wanted to make his hobby his full time profession chef kaviraj has been one name among many who has carved a niche for himself in the hospitality industry.  Having developed a keen interest in cooking since the age of seven he grew up learning the basics at home followed by formal educational certifications within India and overseas to learn and absorb the best of his area of interest. His initial years were full of struggle, hard work, long hours of work and an untiring dedication at work which he enjoyed to the very best from hotels to airlines, from restaurants to banquets, from working for vvip events, serving the who’s who in the top ranks around the world his rich and varied experience has always been his positivity card. Two times national award winner and loads of other esteemed awards have been conferred upon chef Kaviraj at various parts of the country since last few years.

Besides loving his role in the food industry he also had a keen interest in writing and expressing his views, thoughts and experiences in words and wanted people to know about his doings and his to do lists. He started writing articles and books since the year 2000 from hospitality magazines, newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs etc along the way which offered his creativity and recipes a wider and bigger circulation as well.

People connected with me from all over and extended their best wishes and appreciation towards my efforts which were visible all across from domestic to international media too. He always loved accepting challenges and opportunities coming his way since it would always be offering something different to do, present across and share it all over. Today he has been featured in over 35 plus publications and news portals, websites etc already. Since he always had something different to offer and with continued stability attitude with regularity traits his presence has been seen for long time on various social media platforms and publications around the world.

Dr. Kaviraj has also been very actively involved in the academia related to the food and hospitality industry and has been contributing, sharing, mentoring, coaching, teaching and training students of culinary arts and hospitality on various platforms from online webinars to offline sessions, training workshops, personality development programs etc. he is also associated with a number of colleges and universities across India where he not only associates to share his experience and knowledge but he is also on the board of studies and advisory board for enhancing curriculum and syllabus structuring, teachers training, train the trainer programs as well. His work has been well noticed, observed and appreciated over the years and he has been presented with a number of appreciation notes, letters and tokens from the universities and governing bodies of educational institutions and training centers.

“according to me it is inevitable to overlook the development and growth aspect of today’s young minds, aspiring to be chefs and food service professionals. We need to stand with them and be around them to develop their confidence and communication skills, sharing our experience helps but ultimately it is practice and regularity which gives results”

The recently received award by MMTV Media is one such more appreciation received for all the outstanding work and efforts being put in by chef kaviraj over 22 plus years now and it keeps him going and working even more stronger towards reaching his goals and ambitions.

The team wishes Dr. Kaviraj Khialani all the very best for this much deserved recognition and appreciation by means of this esteemed award, media bite speaking on his success story and the certificate which pens it down as well, signifies the moment to level next.