Exclusive Interview | MANISH VASWANI | Chief Creative Officer | Fullscoop Digital Pvt. Ltd, Indore

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Editor: Tell us about your journey. How did it all start?

I love meeting people and networking to discuss marketing, branding, & digital media. My passion to pursue entrepreneurship led me to attach the intent of doing business with my above-mentioned interests. Journey formed as Fullscoop Digital in 2012, with market dynamics molding us to keep hospitality as our niche segment.

Editor: Fullscoop is a Hospitality based digital advertising agency. Tell us some campaigns you have done.

We have been working with 125+ hotels globally, and our major campaigns include :

Swirl Wheel Campaign for Radisson Guwahati: wherein guests revolved wheel at the restaurant to get the lucky offer.

Golu ki Shaadi at Radisson Greater Noida: Digital virtual marriage ceremony was conducted to let the audience know about property, banquets, decor, and packages.

and several more..

Editor: So who is your ideal client and what can they expect from you?

Our ideal client is a reputed branded group's hotel property, with marketing team colleagues acquainted and interested to explore innovative methods of Digital Branding - for promoting, rooms, banquets, restaurants, etc.

Editor: What are some of the trends you see impacting the hospitality industry?

The entire focus is going to shift over 3 essential topics :

1. Domestic Promotions: People will take year+ of time to confidently plan luxury travel, till then only necessity travel and domestic travel will consume more requirements.

2. Weddings: Up to 50 people banquet events are allowed, hotels will try their best to get good events and functions to attract bulk revenues.

3. Home Delivery: Despite all the buzz, still only 12% of restaurants do home delivery. This percentage is certainly going to rise in the times to come.

Editor: What can we expect in the coming year?

Industries will realign their marketing budgets, to enhance the ratio of spending on Digital Branding. Cost-efficient and creative agencies will get opportunities to handle large brands, it will also increase job opportunities in the advertising and marketing segment. Hotels: It'll attract resources that can wear multiple hats at a time.