Why Prioritising Sustainability is Important in Hospitality by Shivani Arora

In recent times, the hospitality industry has widely recognized the growing need for sustainability to maintain the health of natural ecosystems.

Life must be supported for present and future generations, and adopting sustainable practices is essential to ingraining certain behaviors. In order to draw visitors, hotels mostly rely on natural resources like immaculate scenery, beaches, and pure air. But this dependence also puts a lot of stress on these resources, endangering the ecosystem that the business itself depends on.

Hotel operators are turning an increasing amount of their attention to revenue management systems and sustainability initiatives in order to combat rising expenses, more regulations, andfierce competition. During this process, there appears to be an increase in awareness among travelers as well, who are searching for hotels that are environmentally friendly.

Hotels are adopting sustainable practices as a result of their growing acceptance of the sustainability problem.

Recycling laws, reduced water consumption, waste minimization, energy conservation, and carbon emission reduction are among the measures that are being adopted. The front-runners among the hotel chains such as Hilton and Marriott are the major proponents of this movement owing to their open declarations of the measures adopted to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Let’s look at some sustainable practices in hospitality these days.

Waste management and reduction- Hotels are reducing the amount of single-use plastics and throwaway things they use, as well as reducing food waste through programs and creative recycling ideas.

Water conservation – Water-efficient fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems, and greywater recycling technologies are being adopted to reduce water consumption without compromising guest comfort. 

Sustainable sourcing and local partnerships- Prominent lodging establishments are giving top priority to acquiring products and services that adhere to ethical and ecological norms, such as locally and organically produced goods. In addition to lowering their carbon footprint, hotels that promote local relationships also help the communities and companies in the area.

Technology’s place in environmentally friendly hospitality-Technological advancements play a pivotal role in facilitating sustainable practices within the hospitality industry. From IoT-enabled smart systems that optimize energy usage to mobile applications that promote paperless operations and AI-driven predictive analytics for resource optimization, technology is instrumental in driving efficiency and reducing environmental impact. 

Based on existing patterns, it is easy to forecast that the increased emphasis on sustainability will continue. The growing concerns about the environment have made consumers very wary.Travelers want to choose hotels that are sustainable and practice eco-conscious living. In addition, hotels are embracing sustainability to obtain a competitive advantage in the market as well as to help create a healthy planet. For the hospitality business to continue growing and succeeding, sustainability is a strategic necessity because customers are prepared to pay extra for eco-friendly lodging.

For the hospitality sector, sustainability is now not just a desirable outcome but also a need. Hotels may meet guest expectations while reducing their ecological footprint by using sustainable sourcing techniques, waste reduction strategies, energy efficiency measures, and water conservation activities.

The hospitality sector can lead the way toward a more sustainable future by working together, being innovative, and being dedicated to social and environmental responsibility.

Implementation Opportunities:

Assessing operational updates

Making operational adjustments is essential to enhancing hotel sustainability. Operators might begin by carrying out thorough energy audits to find places where energy use can be cut. This could lead to simple adjustments like replacing the lighting or changing the filter, which can quickly lower energy use and lessen the hotel’s carbon footprint.

They might also influence capital plans for more significant infrastructure modifications, such the eventual replacement of the HVAC system. The use of water conservation measures, like low-flow fixtures and efficient washing and irrigation systems, is crucial for sustainability initiatives. Programs for waste management, such as composting and recycling, can also dramatically reduce the amount of garbage dumped in landfills. A hotel’s operational efficiencies can be found anywhere and are frequently

Involving guests

By educating visitors about their environmentally friendly policies in public areas and guest rooms, hotels may make their sustainability programs more engaging for visitors and inspire them to get involved in conservation efforts. Guests at one island resort are encouraged to produce their own corals, which eventually outcompete certain species on the reefs.

Additionally, it provides eco-friendly amenities like toiletries in reusable containers, which cut down on the waste produced by single-use plastics.

Some hotels even incentivise guests for sustainable behaviour, like offering discounts for opting out of daily room cleaning. Hotels should also consider seeking feedback on their sustainability efforts to prioritise actions that guests are motivated by. By involving guests in sustainability initiatives, hotels not only reduce their environmental impact but also raise awareness and foster a sense of ownership among their clientele.

Engagement of workforce

Training and educating staff about eco-friendly practices, waste reduction, and energy conservation can lead to more efficient operations and cause a ripple effect where staff bring these practices to their homes and their communities. Staff can also serve as ambassadors, promoting sustainable practices to guests and encouraging their participation.

Moreover, recognising and rewarding employees for their contributions to sustainability efforts can boost morale and motivation. Ultimately, a committed and informed workforce is an invaluable asset in achieving and maintaining a sustainable future for hotels.

Some Challenges faced

Financial and cost hurdles are common since adopting sustainable practices frequently necessitates an initial investment, which may discourage enterprises owing to profitability concerns. Teaching stakeholders about the advantages of sustainable practices is crucial to overcome this obstacle because there may also be resistance to change and a lack of awareness.

In the realm of hospitality, sustainable practices are no longer a luxury but a necessity. As the world grapples with environmental concerns, the industry must embrace its role in promoting responsible consumption, conservation and social responsibility.

The journey toward sustainable hospitality has challenges, but with industry collaboration and innovative strategies, the hospitality sector can pave the way for a greener, more responsible future.

The hospitality industry is facing growing pressure to address its environmental impact and promote sustainable practices. However, while sustainability is often viewed as an opportunity for businesses to improve their reputation and attract environmentally conscious customers, the potential risk of climate change and non-compliance with the growing sustainability agenda is not yet seen as critical.