Top Dining-Out Trends for a Post-Pandemic Society

Florida International University's Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management projects five dining-out trends affecting restaurants, bars, and consumers that are emerging in a post-pandemic world. The trends were presented by Michael Cheng, dean of the Chaplin School.

Top Dining-Out Trends in a post-pandemic society:

  • Dining-Out Trend #1 Transparency and Communication

  • Dining-Out Trend #2 Innovation and Creativity

  • Dining-Out Trend #3 Contactless Technology and Virtual Presence

  • Dining-Out Trend #4 A Collaborative Community

  • Dining-Out Trend #5 Reset!

"While these are signs that we see today, the next 12 months will give us better clarity of the way forward," said Cheng.

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