A reassuring robot is helping customers enjoy their drink

Key Take Away

Robo-bartenders are shaking up South Korea's cafe and bar culture as the country transitions from intensive social distancing to what the government calls "distancing in daily life".

At the Cafe Bot Bot Bot coffee bar, where the robot arm shakes up mojitos and other cocktails, manager Kim Tae-wan also pointed out that the 'drink bot' can provide consistent quality to their mixes that human bartenders can't.

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Senior Management of Sayaji Hotels announces to forgo their salary for an indefinite period

Key Take Away

In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, Suchitra Dhanani, founding director of Sayaji Hotels has announced to forego 100 percent of her salary for an indefinite period.

In similar lines, Saba Dhanani, Director of Operations, Sayaji Group, Sumera Dhanani, Business Analyst Manager and Jameel Sayed, Director of Operations would also forgo their salary for an indefinite period.

Hopefully this would help some of our staff who had been the pillar of our success story. This is the least we could do during the lockdown

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Deepanshu Chaturvedi, Graduation Ceremony, IHG, Future Leaders, Young Front Office Managers

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